Wednesday, November 11, 2009

U. S. Space and Rocket Center

Imagine our surprise when we went through Huntsville Alabama and discovered the U. S. Space & Rocket Center. We were staying a few miles from Huntsville so we took time to look it over.

I had no idea how many rockets we have shot off -- Apollo, Orion, Jupiter, Saturn, Juno, Redstone, Atlas, Hercules and more...

Of course, this group of students had their own of them landed on the teachers head!

They had a great display on the first rocket launch. The engines were so powerful they would blow themselves apart until they came up with the right combination of heat protection, fuel and configuration. You can actually hear and feel the launch.

These are the real lunar explorers.

To the right is the quarantine motorhome. It was quite "compact".

They have rides there also. This ride creates a 4G pull on you....and you should have heard them scream.

At the Center they had a Space Camp for kids. Here are some little people enjoying their adventures. They also had an Aviation Challenge for adults. Looked a little strenuous to me.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Can't wait to show Peyton these rocket pictures. That ride is at the Puyallup Fair and Shayann went on it last time. I couldn't believe it.