Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thanksgiving Gratitude

It is hard to believe it has been over a year in our new life. Yet, when I think about how much has changed since we took off that Monday morning in October, 2007 and how scared I was because there was so much to learn about the motorhome and living in 320 square foot space and being away from friends, family and the comfort of knowing our doctor and dentist and the familiarity of it all.

A year later I am so grateful we made the decision to do this. We are comfortable with our home and how it works though we keep learning sometime new all the time. We are comfortable with each other and frequently acknowledge how we love our life.

Here simply put is what I am grateful for:

My husband -- If Lance had not be so wise with his savings we would not be able to do this. I remember the day I realized how much was possible for us because of "all that money"! Not to mention he is just plain good company. I love him deeply for the life he has provided me. How he listens to me. How he has grown and changed over the years just as our love has grown and changed. How he talks to me. How he loves action adventure as well as disney movies and even chick flicks. How he is living his passion of golf and loves the rewards of his hard work all those years. How he loves his sons dearly and treats my sons and Tia and Aaron just as lovingly.

My time -- Life is so much simplier now especially once we got comfortable with everything. I have had time to reflect and think about my life past and future and I come to new conclusions -- some even life changing -- eiphs -- as Gretel and I call them. So even my thinking has relaxed and is less complex.

The little things -- The lovely, shiny gold curtains that cover the windshield. The little traveling gnome Gretel gave me. The niffty nabber which makes reaching for things possible. The comfortable seats for the driver and passenger. The DirecTv east and west coast feeds for local statons -- we get to watch ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox anywhere we go. XM in our HHR -- never have to find a local station with XM. My little Shark that steam cleans our tile. My two new "really nice" purses that wear like iron. Tiffin who always is there for us. Our computer which keeps me in touch with the world.

My Improving Health -- I think back how I could hardly get out of seat at the movies. I can do that now. I think back about how I dreaded the A1C tests for my diabetes -- they were always high. Now I am below goal. I think back how I hated myself for constant failure in getting some weight off. Now, each day I make progress in getting the weight off -- my mind especially.

My bed -- Our bed is the most comfortable bed we have ever owned. Every night I snuggle into it and thank God for Lance and all of you and our wonderous adventures.

My camera -- taking pictures to record our travels has caused me to be more aware of what is there right in front of me. It has taught me to look to each moment and see what gift God has waiting for me.

Spectacular Flowers:


Critters of all types:

Restaurants and buildings and churches and barns:

And roadside sights:

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