Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Trip to Nelson on a Sunny Fall Day

Today's trip was to Nelson which is northeast of Castlegar. Lance photographed Granite Pointe and I took the car and explored Nelson. I was amazed that there were four dams between Castlegar and Nelson which is just a little over 20 miles. There is the the Upper Bonnington Dam, the Lower Bonnington Dam, the South Slocan Dam, and the Corra Linn Dam. The whole area is interwoven with dams and canals.

Nelson has the reputation of being the town where a lot of draft dodgers came during the Vietnam War. It is considered to be a hippy, art town. I found some unusual churches.

The one on the left is an Angelican Church. The one on the right is a Trinity Presbyterian

The Court House in Nelson was covered by fall red ivy. Quite striking.

After exploring Nelson I went over their bridge and headed further north to Balfour. Balfour is the other side of the ferry from Crawford Bay which are both on the huge Kootney Lake. The ferry is billed to be the largest free ferry ride in the world taking 40 minutes to cross the lake.

It was a great drive and the weather was warm and sunny. On the way back I took a picture of the Blaylock's Resort. It was gorgous.

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